
How Affective Counselling can help, giving you the tools to improve your life.

The core emphasis at Affective Counselling is attitude

You’re ready for your real life.

The Affective Counselling approach is all about listening to you and understanding your life. Your sessions will look at your life situation, explore the causes behind its dissatisfying aspects, and then build powerful strategies to create a new way of life that fulfils your hopes and meets your expectations. Affective Counselling will give you the tools, techniques and support you need. Then, we will challenge you to make a change. Frances will encourage you to reflect on and recognise how your attitude changes the energy you present to the world. The central truth is that the energy you give out to people will be reflected back.

It is time to live the change you need to make

Talk to a professional counsellor who’ll really listen

As well as overall mental health, Frances specialises in the distinct challenges of:

  • Unhappy relationships
  • Work:life balance
  • Domestic violence
  • Ageing
  • Family dysfunction
  • Divorce and separation
  • Grief and loss
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Intercultural relationships.

From your sessions with Affective Counselling you will be empowered and motivated to make the best change for your life and circumstances. You will build your self-esteem and begin to love your unique self again.

When can learn about how our attitudes, thoughts and feelings affect our lives and the relationships around us. By looking at these, we can make changes. We can enhance our lives.

Frances Seroka

Mindfulness and attitude

In your sessions with Affective Counselling you will learn how to recognise how your thoughts and feelings affect your expectations, attitudes and physical behaviours. You will unpack the realisation that contemplating good thoughts invites positivity into your circle of life. When you learn to mindfully step back from situations and people around you, you can gain the perspective to express your wisdom and personal power. You will learn how to stop overthinking, how to regain your centre, observe your triggers and begin creating a new way of living. With this knowledge you can take charge and change your reactions, which, in turn, will change your behaviours. Down the line, your new energy and presence will guide your life towards something better. You become a force of good in your own life and the lives of others.

Counselling through every life stage

Few people grow from babies to children to teenagers and into adults without living through trauma or inadvertently instilling attitudes that do not cultivate happiness. Subconsciously, we carry out behaviours that do not invite peace, love and happiness into our existences. Your attitude is the first thing people notice about you. A negative energy will result in a bad attitude that people will react to badly. The circle is completed when this evokes more negative energy within yourself.Some people live this way their entires lives. Others realise there is a better way. With the courage to begin counselling, you learn how to recognise what is not working in your life. You can can then observe yourself calmly and become aware of the triggers and how your reactions influence the life you lead.

Call Affective Counselling today

to begin making a positive change in your life

Learn how to let the light in and embrace the happiness with follows.

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